Another month come and gone. Time flies far too hard for my liking. This month has been extremely productive though, so I feel good about what I have accomplished so far.
I managed to write my new novel this month! It was tough going at times and I had to really push through hard at the end, but I managed it. Now I will have to let it rest for a bit before I can revise it. I always like to approach my new books with fresh eyes, or at least as fresh as possible.
Again, the blog suffered due to my being busy with writing and personal stuff. I do still really enjoy writing my blog posts, and I am particularly pleased with my post about being multi orgasmic. I didn’t get as many comments on the blog as I would have liked (read: one), but it did spark a conversation on Twitter, so that was fun. I still love writing my flash fiction pieces and I have only missed one so far. As always, if you have a request for a story, let me have it in the comments or on Twitter.
This has also been the month I turned 40, so I guess that was fun? Just kidding, I don’t mind my age at all. I am having so much more fun now than I ever did in my twenties. I also went on holiday this month which threw a wrench in my blogging and writing schedule, but it was good to take some time out.
Looking forward
May is going to be equally busy. I will have to travel for work, have a few personal trips coming up as well, so will have to really hoard my writing time. I am going to edit my other novel and will have to write a pitch and synopsis for two publishers whom I will have meetings with in June. I hope to do a bit more blogging, have some book reviews lined up and hope to write a few other posts as well. Stay tuned!