Another month gone by. The short, dark days are slowly getting longer and lighter and spring is just aroud the corner. Time for another round up.
I have received feedback on my NaNoWriMo novel, which I will look at later in the year. I am attending the Winchester Writers Festival during which I have two one to one appointments with agents and I am going to pitch my book to them then. I need to send them a synopsis and the first chapter in May so I need to get all that ready then.
I have written another flash fiction piece which I have entered into the Mslexia flash fiction competition. I have also written a short story for another competition and am halfway through a short story for the Mslexia short story competition. So I have definitely not stopped writing.
I am finished with the detailed outline for my novel which I plan to start writing this week. I am very excited about it and hopefully the writing will go smoothly, although I usually find that when I have a good, detailed outline the writing comes easy.
I have kept up my regular posts on the blog. I have managed to keep doing Flash Fiction Friday even though it hasn’t always been easy to come up with a story. It has been another good prompt to keep me writing. I hope I can keep it up during March when I am writing my novel, but maybe I can schedule a few pieces whenever I need a break from my novel. I will need to be very organised next month!
I am moving house next month, so I have spent a lot of time this month de-clutering and packing (oh, and finding a house). As a consequence I have not written in my journal as much, which isn’t that good. Luckily I have been able to keep on top of my sexual rediscovery journey despite the every day stresses.
Looking forward
March is going to be very busy. I am moving house, I am starting my new novel and I want to enter at least one short story competition. I will need to really utilise my writing time in the morning and at my lunch hour. Not a moment can be wasted. This could be interesting…