I am interested in your opinion. What do you prefer? To watch porn or to read it? I guess there are benefits and drawbacks to both. Personally I prefer reading porn. You can do it discretely anywhere you want to, especially if you have a Kindle or other e-reader. And for me I like the fact that I get to use my imagination.
There are drawbacks to reading porn though. I find t hard to find well-written porn that doesn’t regurgitate the same sex scenes over and over. And some writers have a habit of putting their characters in impossible positions which are not physicall possible. I have read scenes where I had to spend so much time trying to figure out everyone’s position that it really killed the moment for me.
Watching porn can be fun too. Especially watching it with your significant other. Mr Isa and I watched a lot of porn when we were younger (and didn’t have kids). A Clockwork Orgy was one of our favourites. It actually had a whole plot and well-developed characters. Nowadays I don’t even know where to get good porn (I am sure there are lots of sites out there) and the free porn you can get doesn’t even pretend to have a story.
With porn movies there is always the risk you are not going to like the actors. For example, Selena Kitt’s Babysitting the Baumgartners, a book I quite enjoyed, is made into a movie. I was quite excited about that when I found out – until I saw the trailer. The male main character is not AT ALL how I imagined him in my mind and it was such a turn off for me. He was just way too sleazy and I don’t find porn actors sleazy as a rule.
So, let’s have it in the comments. What do you prefer? And would you recommend any books or movies?
I have to say both but with certain limitations.
I intensely dislike commercial porn. It does absolutely nothing for me to watch the plastic, anaesthetised perfection churned out by studios. If I’m watching, then the amateur, self shot variety is far more exciting.
Conversely, so much amateur writing makes me cringe that it utterly fails to stir any positive emotions. Well written porn is relatively rare but is definitely my preferred option. There are good erotic authors, you just have to find them.
You’re right, the really fake commercial porn is cringe worthy but I find amateur porn always gets straight to the point where I like some build up.
I guess it is very personal too.
I can love and loathe both… Its a mood thing mainly i think
Hi Isabelle! I have recently found your blog and really love the posts you have made!
I enjoy both kinds of pornography, given that they are of good quality, commercial porn seems to repel a lot of people, myself included, and i prefer homemade porn made by couples. Reading it seems to be a much bigger turn on for me, if you can find a good writer, so in the end, i side with written, but just barely.
The nice thing about reading it is that no one can see what you read so you can be turned on whenever you want to :D.
Interesting, i’ve never thought about that, i always enjoyed porn in private. 😀
I just want to agree w you re Babysitting the B’s. Mick Blue was a terrible casting choice but I think he was not the first choice. I follow Selena Kitt and had read many of the Baum books. When the film was 1st announced the early promos featured RYAN DRILLER, Annika Albrite, & Sarah Luv. Mrs. B and and Sarah Luv as the BBsitter were great and Ryan Driller is cute so that’d be fine with me! But Mick Blue is just no, no, no. I think something must have happened to have Driller replaced. (Albrite & Blue are married so…he might have been an easy replacement.
Apart from Mick Blue being DOOFY, he has the german accent (and not in a sexy way!) Blue also doesn’t strike me as a a porn actor who can actually act…unlike some performers. And the film was kind of campy which the books were not. But hey if I wrote books and someone wanted to film it I’d say sure! and I doubt ANY reader visualized Mr. B like.
I read a lot of romance & erotica (and trying my hand at writing it) so I love reading…. and I can pretend I don’t like porn but I think I’ve shown I know way too much about to be believed!
Porn is getting so much better tho. Jacky St. James’s films feel more like real movies apart from the extended sex scenes.
My hanging sentence was basically I doubt ANY reader visualized Mr. B to be anything like Mick Blue.