I have been remiss in posting my #SoSS blog posts – in fact, I have been a bit lax in blogging in general. I am hoping to change that this week, as I am planning to pre-write a few blog posts for this week. I am working hard on finishing my erotic novel, which is where most of my time is going at the moment.
But it’s important to share each other’s content, especially in a society that is increasingly anti-sex. Not just sex workers (although they get the brunt of the hate), but make no mistake: silencing all conversations about sex hurts us all. Sexual education is very important and by removing all sexual content from the internet, you are punishing those who need this information the most.
So, without further ado, I give you some picks of blog posts from other sex bloggers I enjoyed in the last weeks.
I love this beautiful image on Victoria’s blog, Pretty Pink Lotus Bud. If you have had the fortune of meeting Victoria in real life, you know how amazing she is and I love that she is willing to share more of her in this picture.
You may have seen the very disappointing news about how the O.School treats their Pleasure Professionals. Carly has a good blog post about how she was treated (even more appallingly than most Pleasure Professionals) over at her blog, Dildo or Dildon’t. This quote about sums it up: “You can’t be feminist when you’re not even paying your most marginalized educators.”
I don’t like to limit my #SoSS posts to bloggers only, so here are a few sex workers you should check out. Most of these SWers have had their advertising opportunities pulled out from under them due to FOSTA/SESTA, so featuring them in #SoSS posts is very important in my opinion.
Trina Redd is gorgeous and you should totally check her website out, even if you only do it to see her beautiful pictures. Here is how she describes herself:
I would describe myself as a wildly sexy radical in touch with her inner bitch sprinkled with some Susie homemaker with the potential to kick it up into some Giada D type sh*t add a dab of intelligence and about a pound of charisma. Oh. And I’m a goddamn MILF 😘
— Miss Redd 💋 (@TrinaReddxX) April 20, 2018
She definitely sounds like someone I would like to know better!
Kenna Cook is a sex educator. Her workshops and classes sound really good, with a focus on consent and queer sex. She has also been hurt in the whole O.School scandal, so let’s show her some support. Also, her hair is awesome, even though that has nothing to do with how good of a sex educator she is (I just like brightly coloured hair).
And a bit closer to home (geographically speaking), you should visit Miss Ria Harpsichord’s site. She is an amazing dominatrix and a great person and her pictures are lovely. She is based in both London and Bristol, so you have your pick if you want to engage her services.
That’s all for me for today. Check out other #SoSS posts by checking out the hashtag on Twitter. And continue to share links to other sex bloggers/sex workers’ websites so we continue to provide exposure to each other.