Share our Shit Saturday – the second one in January

Wow, this week has blown by. I can’t believe it’s time already for another #SoSS round up. As always, I am going to share blog posts or articles I have found interesting this week, they are not necessarily blog posts that have been published this week. I sometimes stumble on an old blog post that I find worth sharing.

And speaking of old blog posts, Candy Snatch has this great post about what she took away from Eroticon 2017. With Eroticon 2018 lurking just around the corner, I enjoyed reading this post and getting very excited about going!

If you are a sex blogger (or talk about sex in general) on Twitter, then chances are you have received you share of dick pics. I consider them sexual harassment and can get very upset when I receive one. I have often wondered what recourse I have against these perverts who send them and have dreamed of revenge. But Girl on the Net cautions against sharing those dick pics no matter how much you’d like to. Yes, there should be consequences to sharing dick pics, but taking matters into your own hands may land you into more trouble than you’d like.

I love checking out the websites of professional dominatrices, as I think their work is important and all the dominatrices I have met online or in real life have been extremely nice. So today I would like to bring to your attention Miss Kim Rub who is based in London. Just in case you are in need of some dominatrix services.

If you are like me and are a fan of the Dodil, check out this interview with the founder and inventor of the Dodil. It’s a great read and I have now learned that the proper name for the colour of the Dodil is robin egg blue. (I always called it turquoise, my bad!)

If you are into podcasts, Lori Beth Bisbey does great podcasts with her Sex Spoken Here series. I have an ulterior motive for bringing this to your attention, as Lori Beth interviewed yours truly about a month ago and I kept meaning to bring this to your attention.

That’s all from me for this week. Check out the other #SoSS posts, links to which you can find on Twitter.

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