Teacher’s Slutty Pet Chapter 5

“This is such a lovely place, I can see why you didn’t want to go home.” Jody stretched her legs on the lounger and took a sip of her cocktail.

I had taken Mrs H’s advice and invited Alice and Jody to the mansion. We were having a great time so far, enjoying the pool and the cocktails Mrs H had encouraged me to make. Well, they were really mocktails as we weren’t allowed to drink, but none of us minded. The Hendersons didn’t keep their alcohol under lock and key, but I didn’t want to betray their trust, and Jody and Alice weren’t really interested in getting drunk anyway. We were all having too much fun swimming and catching up.

“You’re so lucky,” Alice sighed. “Not only do you get to live in an amazing place like this, but you’re living with Professor H!”

Jody leaned over to me. “Yes, tell us, how is that? Is he nice to you?”

My thoughts flashed to how hard he had fucked me yesterday and I could feel my face glow. I tried to will the blush away, but no luck. I took a sip of my drink in the hopes it would buy me some time in which my blush might go away.

“They are both nice to me,” I said eventually. “Mrs H is a great cook, so I have been spoiled here.”

Alice narrowed her eyes. “You do look very well-fed.”

“What?” My hands flew to my stomach, which was still reassuringly flat. “Are you saying I’ve gained weight?”

She tilted her head and appraised me. “No, you just look glowing and happy.”

“Glowing!” Jody pointed at me. “That’s the word I was looking for. You’re glowing. Living here really agrees with you.”

I stretched and closed my eyes. They were right, of course, I loved being here. I wasn’t sure how long this arrangement would last, but I was determined to enjoy every minute of it. It was lovely to have Jody and Alice over for a visit, because it made me feel like this was real, and not some kind of fever dream. I made a mental note to thank Mrs H when she came home later. It had been a good idea to invite my friends over.

“This is the best summer ever,” I said.

“So you’re really not going to get a summer job?” Alice asked. “There’s two months of summer left, I’m sure you can still find something.”

I shook my head. It was perhaps foolish to give up the chance of making some extra cash, but since I wasn’t paying any rent here, I wasn’t in need of cash as much as my friends. And I couldn’t imagine spending my days at some horrible job instead of here with Mrs H.

“What do you do all day?” Jody asked. “You don’t have a job, you’re not taking summer courses, and you’re not tanned enough to have spent every day by the pool.”

The blush was back on my cheeks. I couldn’t think of anything to say. They knew I wasn’t much of a reader and watching TV all day wasn’t my thing either.

“Spit it out,” Alice ordered. “Something’s going on.”

“She’s right.” Jody swung her legs over the edge of her lounger and faced me, her elbows on her knees. “Come clean, Zoe.”

Well, so much for trying to keep it a secret. Not that I’d been trying very hard. Deep down, I had wanted to tell them everything from the moment Mrs H had ordered me to masturbate in front of her. I just hadn’t found the courage yet. Not that I had any courage now either, but I had to give into their demands.

I sat up. “Okay, promise me you won’t judge.”

Alice and Jody shared a glance. “We promise.”

Now that the moment of truth was here, I had no idea where to start. I couldn’t just blurt out that I was having sex – lots and lots of it – with Professor H and his wife. But how could I tell them without it sounding sordid and perverted?

“Ehm…I have become quite close with the Hendersons in the last few weeks.”

Blank faces greeted me.

“And?” Alice said.

I fiddled with my bikini tie. “I mean really close.” I put as much emphasis on “really” as I could.

It took a moment for the penny to drop. Jody was the first to realise what I was saying. “Zoe! You and Professor H?”

I didn’t dare look at her. “And Mrs H.”

A yelp told me Alice had put two and two together as well. “You’re fucking both of them?”

My head shot up. She made it sound so vulgar. Which it was, of course, and that was what I loved about it. But they had promised not to judge me.

“It’s not like that,” I protested feebly.

Jody shot Alice a dirty look and sat down next to me on my lounger. “We’re not judging, I promise. Tell us everything. You’re sleeping with both of them? How did that happen?”

She sounded curious and excited, not at all disgusted, and I started to feel a bit better.

“It just kind of happened.”

Alice rolled her eyes. “Don’t give us that. When you moved in here you were all baggy pants and oversized T-shirts and today you’re wearing the skimpiest bikini I’ve ever seen. You’ve changed, babe. And for the better, may I add. But I can’t believe that Professor H took one look at your slouchy grunge wear and decided he must have you.”

I laughed despite myself. She was right, of course. “Okay fine, that’s not how it happened.”

Alice sat down on the other side of me and took my hand. “Tell us everything. And I mean everything.”

My heart pounded. Just thinking about reliving those amazing moments made me hot. And so I told them everything. With some things a little bit modified, because I didn’t want to reveal too much of Professor and Mrs H to them. I didn’t tell them about Mrs H’s special massages or about the sex parties. Even though that would only confirm the rumour they had heard, I wanted to keep at least some of Professor and Mrs H’s secrets.

Both Jody and Alice were silent when I finished speaking. Their faces were red and they wouldn’t make eye contact with each other, or me. I wanted nothing more than to jump in the pool and cool off, but I didn’t want to just leave them after this.

“You have to promise not to tell anyone else,” I said after they were quiet for a while. “Professor H is fine with me telling you guys, but we can’t spread this around campus, okay?”

They nodded, but remained silent. I guessed they were in shock. Had I not experienced it myself, I wouldn’t have believed it either. I just hoped they didn’t think I was just making it up.

I nudged Jody with my shoulder. “Say something. Do you think I’m disgusting?”

That finally got a reaction. “Disgusting? No, absolutely not! I’m fucking jealous. How did you get to be so lucky?”

Relief flooded me. “Oh thank god. I was worried you thought I was a slut.”

She snorted. “You are a slut, no doubt about that. But there’s nothing wrong with that.”

I hugged her. “Thank you, that’s how I feel.”

I looked over at Alice. “Alice? What do you think?”

Her breath was fast and she rubbed her thighs together. “I think I’m very horny. Babe, I can’t believe those stories! They are out of a porn movie. How are you still standing?”

I grinned. “Barely. It’s been quite the ride.”

“Wow. I think I need to go for a swim to cool down.”

“Me too.” Jody got up and jumped into the pool.

Alice followed her. Feeling elated, I jumped in after them and gathered them into a big hug. “You guys are the best.”

We swam for a while, then wrapped ourselves into the big towels and went to my bedroom.

“I call dibs on the shower!” Alice said and disappeared into the bathroom.

Jody and I sat on the edge of my bed. She took my hand. “You’ve been living my dream.”

I chuckled. “Your dream is to have as much sex as humanly possible?”

She nodded, her face serious. “I want to have sex with someone who really knows what they are doing. Remember how lousy guys our age are?”

I frowned. “But you said those guys always made you come. How can they be that lousy?”

“I lied. I hardly ever come, but I didn’t want to lose face, so I told you I had great sex.”

I suddenly felt very bad for her. Why had she felt the need to lie to me? I wouldn’t have cared if she couldn’t come, it was hardly her fault.

“Mrs H said we need to know what we like so we can tell our partners how to make us come. Do you know what makes you come?”

“Of course! I just don’t feel comfortable directing a man. They should know these things.”

I shrugged. She was right, but maybe we were all equally clueless when it came to sex. I hadn’t known about anal or how to give a good blowjob, so how could I expect a guy to know what I liked without me telling him? But I supposed that was easier for me, now that I’d been having a lot of really amazing sex. Jody just needed that as well.

“Do you experiment with toys?” I remembered what a difference it had made when Mrs H had given me the dildo.

“I do have some toys…”

“So maybe you could gently hint at what you want a man to do.”

“I suppose.” She hugged herself. “I just want to have a mind-blowing orgasm, like the ones you’ve been having. I’m so jealous.”

Alice came in the room. “Why don’t we give you one?”

Jody’s head shot up. “What?”

Alice joined us on the bed. “You heard me. Zoe knows how to make a woman come and I have some experience as well, so between the two of us, I’m sure we can give you a fantastic orgasm.”

That was a great idea. I wanted to kiss Alice for suggesting it. The thought of making my best friend come, her writhing underneath me as I fingered her and ate her out made me incredibly hot. Not wasting a moment, I got up and peeled off my bikini. Then I knelt between Jody’s legs and undid the strings on her bikini. She looked stunned as she allowed me to strip her naked.

Alice dropped her towel and together, we pushed Jody onto her back.

“Guys…” Her face was flushed, but she still looked worried. “Are you sure about this?”

“Absolutely,” I said. “Just relax.”

Nodding, she closed her eyes and let us push her legs apart.

I shared a look with Alice and grinned. This was going to be fun.

Alice crawled next to Jody and touched her breasts. Jody hissed in a breath, but didn’t stop her. Alice winked at me and lowered her head, taking one of Jody’s nipples into her mouth. I took place on Jody’s other side and started sucking her other nipple.

Soon Jody’s sighs became deep moans. I slid my hand over her stomach and cupped her mound. She was trimmed, but not shaven down there, which exited me. Pushing my fingers between her pussy lips, I spread them, seeking out her hot core. She tilted her hips and I pulled back her hood to expose her clit. Wanting to see what I was doing, I abandoned her nipple and took place between her legs. She was soaking wet, her thighs coated in a thick cream. Her lips were fat and swollen, covered with fine blonde hairs. I loved looking at her pussy, noting how different it was from Mrs H’s and how it pulsed and quivered as I flicked her clit. While Alice tended to Jody’s nipples, I slipped two fingers inside Jody’s entrance.

She moaned as I pumped my fingers in and out of her. Her pussy wasn’t as tight as mine, so I slipped a third finger inside, twisting them round and round while I brushed her clit with my thumb. She bucked her hips against my hand, fucking me as she moaned and writhed on the bed.

“Oh fuck, Zoe, that feels so good.”

Encouraged by that, I curled my fingers up inside her, trying to find her G-spot. When my fingers made contact, her body jumped.

“Come sit on my face, Alice,” she breathed. “I want to lick you.”

Alice didn’t waste a moment and scrambled into position. Soon, the room was filled with the moans of both my friends.

It was so hot to fingerfuck Jody as she ate Alice out. Despite never having had sex with another woman, she was doing a good job judging from the sounds Alice made. My own pussy ached deliciously, but I decided not to do anything about that. This was about my friends, not about me.

For a long time, the only sounds in the room were Alice’s heavy breathing and Jody’s moans. My fingers made a squelching noise as I pulsed them in and out of Jody’s pussy. Everything was so hot and sexy. I never would have thought we’d end up like this, and I felt a surge of love for my friends. Not only had they not judged me, but they were now sharing in my experience, albeit a scaled-down version of it.

“Oh fuck, I’m gonna come!” Alice’s hands were pulling frantically at her nipples as she ground her pussy against Jody’s face.

I could feel that Jody was close too. She was shaking and her belly was tight with tension. Alice gave one loud groan and collapsed onto the bed.

“Make me come, Zoe,” Jody panted. “Please.”

I redoubled my efforts, pushing hard against her G-spot as I sucked her clit between my teeth.

“Oh yes, oh yes, oh yes!” she moaned. “Yes!”

With the last shout, her pussy gushed all over my face. Startled, I pulled back, watching her come all over the bed. I had never seen a woman ejaculate like that and I was fascinated by how much she was coming. I wished I was able to do that, because Jody seemed to have the best orgasm ever.

Wiping my face, I grinned at both of them. They looked so cute, all flushed and exhausted from their orgasms.

“That was amazing,” Jody said. “Imagine having this every day. You lucky bitch.”

I playfully tapped her clit and laughed as she twitched. “You’re the lucky one. I can’t believe you squirted like that!”

She looked suddenly shy. “I’m sorry, your bed is soaked.”

“Don’t be sorry, it was amazing. I wish I could squirt like that.”

My mouth felt dry and I got up off the bed. “Let me get us some drinks. You two look as parched as me.”

Pulling a sundress over my head, I left the room. A creak on the stairs made me look down, where I could just see Professor H going down. Had he been listening to the door? Had he been watching? I wasn’t sure how I felt about that. On one hand, it made me feel hot to think he had watched me get my friend off, but on the other hand, I didn’t know how Jody and Alice would feel about that. Although, I didn’t think they’d mind, really. They’d probably have liked it if he’d joined us.

With that delightful thought, I skipped downstairs. Professor H was nowhere to be seen, so I went to the kitchen and grabbed a couple of cans of lemonade. Just as I closed the fridge door, his arms encircled my waist. I squealed as he pulled me against his hard cock.


“Have been having fun with your friends?”

I squirmed in his arms. “I need to go back upstairs.”

“Come on, Zoe, I know you haven’t had an orgasm yet. Let me take care of you.”

“I can’t!” I tried to pull myself free, but he had his arms clamped around me. “Let me go, my friends are just upstairs.”

“I’ll make it quick, I promise. Grace isn’t home and that little display you put on has made me really hard.” He pressed his cock against my back. “Feel that?”

My heart pounded as I realised I had been right. “You watched us?”

“You should close your door if you’re going to fuck your friends.”

“Professor, please let me go. My friends can come down any minute.”

He pushed me over the table and pulled my dress up. I wasn’t wearing anything underneath and my thighs were slick with my juices. I wanted him to fuck me, quick and hard, just taking me for his pleasure. But I also liked struggling against him.

“This won’t take long,” he panted as he slid his hand between my legs. “You’re already sopping wet, so just stand still.”

“No!” I clamped my legs shut and straightened up. “What if my friends come down?”

“Then we’ll give them a little show. I’m sure they don’t mind.”

I shuddered with need at the thought of Jody and Alice watching me being taken by Professor H. He kissed my neck as his hands roved over my body, pinching my nipples hard. Gasping I allowed him to bend me down over the table again. He spread my legs and then I felt his cock at my entrance. With one swift push he was inside me.

My pussy was still sensitive from the pounding I had received last night and I groaned as his thick shaft stretched me wide. He started fucking me with short, fast strokes, rubbing my G-spot with each thrust.

It felt too good, I knew I couldn’t hold off my orgasm for long. Combined with the element of risk that my friends could come down any minute, I felt my climax build quickly.

He could feel it too. “That’s it, Zoe. Come on my thick cock.”

Groaning, I gave into everything, letting the pleasure wash over me and push me close to the edge. My pussy hummed around his cock, pulsing and pulling him deeper inside me. I loved this – being taken hard and quick. I love how Professor H used me for his pleasure, but making sure I came as well. I bucked my hips against him, urging him deeper inside me. He took the hint and, grabbing my hips, thrust deeper into me. I wanted it to last longer, but I was incapable of holding out. With a deep moan, I came, my pussy convulsing around his thick, hot cock.

Without giving me time to come down from my orgasm, he pulled out of me and turned me around.

Smiling he bent down and kissed me. “Good girl. Wasn’t that nice?”

Confused, I blinked up at him. “What about you?”

He winked. “You have two friends upstairs. Can’t keep them waiting, can I?”

Turning around, he left the kitchen, his cock still hard. It took me a moment to catch his drift, then I hurried after him on wobbly legs.

“Professor, you can’t do that!”

He didn’t even pause. “Why not? I know they want me, so why not give them that?”

Grabbing his arm, I forced him to stop. “What about Mrs H?”

“What about her?”

“Wouldn’t she be mad?”

He frowned. “Why would she? She’d be delighted to hear I fucked three young women. And believe me, your friends will completely understand why you stay here once they’ve had me.”

I wasn’t sure if he was really that arrogant or whether he just wanted to shock me. But he had a point. Both Alice and Jody were jealous of me, and had been lamenting their lack of great sex. Why should I keep the professor all to myself? If Mrs H was fine with sharing him, who was I to keep him?

“Give me five minutes to see if they are up for this,” I pleaded. “I don’t want them to feel awkward.”

He looked down on me with a kind smile. “You’re a good friend. Okay, prepare them for what’s coming.”

That wasn’t exactly what I had asked for, but I didn’t waste any time. Pushing past him, I ran up the stairs to my bedroom. As I burst in, I skidded to a halt. Jody and Alice were entwined on the bed, their pussies rubbing each other. They looked up when I came in, and grinned.

“Come join us. You haven’t even had anything yet.”

Alice held her hand out to me. “If only the professor could join us too.”

I found my voice. “He will. He’s coming up the stairs right now.”

The look on their faces was priceless. Alice scrambled up and shrieked. “I can’t let him see me naked!”

Jody gave her a withering stare. “Don’t be silly. If you want to have sex with him, he’s bound to see you naked.”

Alice bit her lip, and I started to feel bad for her. “You don’t have to, if you don’t want to. You can just watch.”

She looked up with excitement in her eyes. “Really?”

I wasn’t sure that was what Professor H had in mind, but I wasn’t going to force my friends into doing something they didn’t want to. Not that I thought the professor would actually do that either. He was far too nice for that.

“I’m game.” Jody grinned. “He can take me any way he wants.”

“Okay. Alice, sit on the chair there and put on some clothes if you don’t want to be naked. Jody and I will be on the bed.”

Alice got up from the bed and hesitated. She looked back at me and Jody on our backs on the bed, our legs spread. I was excited to share Professor H with my friends. I couldn’t wait for Jody to experience the same mind-blowing orgasms as me.

Alice’s face was a picture of indecision as she looked from the bed to the chair. “Maybe I’ll join too…”

In one fluid motion, Jody sat up and grabbed Alice, pulling her onto the bed. “Of course you’ll join. You’ll never forgive yourself if you didn’t. Come on, a chance like this doesn’t happen every day.”

Alice giggled and spread her legs as well. We were all wet and hungry for Professor H’s cock. I imagined how we looked: ready and willing to be fucked, our pussies on full display.

A creak on the stairs told me that Professor H was coming up. Next, the door opened and there he was. He was still wearing his shorts and polo shirt, his erection evident. His jaw dropped when he saw us. I wasn’t sure what he had expected, but clearly this wasn’t it. I hid a smile as he seemed to have lost his tongue.

“Wow,” he said finally. He cleared his throat. “Zoe, what’s all this?”

I grinned. “You said you waned to fuck me and my friends, so here we are. Ready and horny for you.”

Running his hand through his hair, he exhaled loudly. “This is…ehm…”

“Are you having second thoughts?” I put on my best pout. “But we’re so hungry for your cock. You did promise…”

His eyes flashed from one pussy to the next. I wasn’t sure if he was really hesitant or whether he was playing a game. Getting up, I knelt before him. With trembling hands, I undid the button of his shorts and pulled the zipper down. His cock sprang free. He groaned as I took him into my mouth.

“Do you want us to show you how much we want you?” I looked up at him, his cock resting on my outstretched tongue.

Jody took the hint and knelt next to me. She cupped his balls and gave a breathless little moan. “You’re so big. I’ve never had a cock this big before.” Turning to me, she widened her eyes. “Zoe, do you think he’ll fit in my tight cunny?”

Professor H groaned, but he didn’t move. He just stroked our hair as if we were his favourite pets. My pussy ached as I took his cock into my mouth again. Jody fondled his balls and then I felt another tongue sliding along the long shaft. Alice had joined us as well.

“I really want my pussy filled with this cock,” she breathed. “It’s sooooo big.”

I almost broke character and laughed at her perfect little girl voice. Who knew she’d be into roleplaying this much?

We sucked and stroked the professor’s cock until I thought he couldn’t stand it anymore. I didn’t want to make him come just yet, so I pulled Jody and Alice to their feet and led them to the bed. As we lay down, I knelt between Alice’s legs. I lowered my head and licked her slit from her puckered anus to her swollen clit. She moaned softly as I played with her clit, pushing the button harder and harder with the tip of my tongue.

“Let me get you all warmed up for the professor,” I told her. “He’ll feel so good in your pussy, stretching you wide.”

“Let me.” Professor H’s voice was hoarse with lust.

I moved aside and he settled himself between Alice’s legs. For someone who had, minutes ago, been worried about being seen naked by the professor, she had lost all her inhibitions. She spread her legs wide, using her hands to open her pussy lips for him.

“Please be gentle,” she whimpered.

I shared a look with Jody who grinned. She reached out and slid her fingers through my slit as we watched the professor breach Alice’s entrance and push himself all the way inside her. She moaned loudly, her fingers flying over her clit as he started fucking her with measured strokes. I moved closer to her and, as Jody started to finger me, I lowered my head and licked Alice’s clit. Her eyes flew open, but she didn’t stop me. She was lost in pleasure, her eyes hooded and unfocused.

Professor H fucked her harder now, thrusting into her with not quite the savagery with which he fucked Mrs H, but none too gently either.

“Turn around, Zoe,” Professor H said. “Let me fuck you too.”

My breath hitched as I scrambled on top of Alice. Professor H pulled out of her and rammed himself deep into my aching pussy. I groaned with relief as he stretched me, his cock sliding deliciously along my pussy walls.

Jody’s hand rubbed mine and Alice’s clits alternately and I could feel myself edging close to a climax. Just as I was about to come, Professor H pulled out of me.

“Jody, your turn.”

She lay down next to Alice and me, her knees pushed towards her chest as Professor H rammed inside of her. He seemed lost in the moment, now, uncaring about how we felt. Each time one of us got close to an orgasm, he pulled out and fucked someone else. It was dirty and hot to share the professor with my friends like this, his cock coated in our juices.

Alice and I kissed and rubbed our nipples together while Jody fingered herself anytime she was without the professor’s cock. My juices stained Alice’s pussy underneath me and it was as if Alice and I were one. She held my hips, kneading my ass, pulling the cheeks apart. As Professor H rammed himself into me again, I could feel Alice’s finger at my puckered hole. I willed her to push it in, needy for more stimulation. She seemed to have guessed what I wanted, because I felt her finger push inside me.

I moaned and writhed on top of her as the dual stimulation of her finger and Professor H’s cock pushed me closer and closer to the edge.

“Oh fuck, I’m gonna come…” I hung on to Alice as the contractions started deep inside me. Professor H fucked me harder, and my orgasm intensified to the point I didn’t think I could stand it anymore. Then he pulled out and rammed himself into Jody. I slid off Alice, my pussy still pulsing with the aftershocks of my orgasm. Lying next to her, I cupped her mound and ground my palm against her clit. She put her hand on mine, applying more pressure to her cunt as she gyrated her hips.

Next to us, Jody scrambled onto all fours. “Please fuck me from behind,” she begged. “I need to feel you deeper.”

Professor H didn’t hesitate, but grabbed her hips and plowed into her. She cried out and clung to the sheets as he fucked her hard.

Alice’s breath sped up and I could tell she was close to coming. I didn’t want her to have an orgasm on my hand, though, so I pulled it away.

“Professor, I think Alice is ready to come on your cock.”

Jody whimpered. “Please make me come first, I’m so close.”

The professor listened to her and kept fucking her. Alice reached over and started rubbing Jody’s clit. With a cry, Jody’s body stiffened as she came. When professor H pulled out of her, Jody’s juices gushed onto the bed. Her eyes were closed and the look on her face was so beautiful, I had to swallow a lump in my throat. Jody deserved that amazing orgasm.

Alice was mewling with frustration and the professor turned his attention to her. She lifted her hips and he entered her with a soft groan. I started rubbing her clit with the tips of my fingers as he fucked her with long, slow strokes. Her fingers pulled at her nipples, making them stand up in dark red peaks.

“Oh yes, please…make me come…”

I wasn’t sure if she was talking to the professor, me or herself, but a moment later, she shuddered and clamped her legs shut. Professor H groaned as she came on his cock, and waited until she relaxed. Then he pulled out of her.

Jody and Alice were out for the count, but I wanted to make sure Professor H came as well. It was a miracle he hadn’t yet, but I had seen how much stamina he had.

Kneeling on the bed, I pulled him towards me and took his cock in my mouth. I could taste the three of us on him, making my head swim. He was close, I could tell, so I took him deep inside my throat and stroked his shaft with my tongue. I sucked and licked him until he stiffened. Grabbing his ass, I kept him in place, encouraging him to shoot his load into my mouth. While Jody and Alice looked on, I swallowed the professor’s load, sucking until every drop was gone.

When I let him go, he staggered backwards. Alice sat up and put her arms around me. “That was amazing.”

Professor H’s eyes were dark with lust. “You can definitely invite your friends over again sometime.”

Smiling sweetly at him, I slowly licked my lips. “If I do, will you play with us again?”

Jody sat up as well, kneeling on the bed with her hand between her legs. “Our pussies get wet often, so we need a lot of attention.”

Professor H looked like he had died and gone to heaven. “I promise I’ll take good care of you.”

“Thank you, professor,” Alice said. Her little-girl voice was back. “I really liked how your thick cock stretched my little pussy.”

“Oh fuck.”

“Thank you for stopping by, professor,” I said, twirling my hair around my finger. “I may need more attention tonight, is that all right?”

He uttered a sound between a groan and a grunt and then grabbed his shorts and left the room, his face beet red.

We fell on the bed in a peal of laughter.

“You have to invite us more often,” Jody said and she swung her leg over mine. “I haven’t been fucked this well in forever.”

“I’ve never been fucked like this,” Alice said as she snuggled up to me on the other side. “You lucky, lucky girl.”

I put my arms around both of them. “I promise I won’t keep him to myself.”

Just the thought of another round like this made me wet again and as my friends kissed and snuggled me, I resolved to make this a regular occurrence.


“I heard you had a great time with your friends today,” Mrs H said at dinner that night.

I glanced at Professor H, who refused to meet my eyes. Had he told Mrs H everything about what had happened, or had he decided to keep him fucking three students to himself?

I decided to be vague until I found out how much Mrs H knew. “Yes, it was lovely. We made good use of the pool. Thanks so much for suggesting I invite them.”

“It must have been nice to catch up.” Mrs H sounded almost wistful.

I wondered if she had any close female friends. I had never seen any come over to the house, but she did go out occasionally, so it was possible she met friends then.

Putting another forkful of food in my mouth, I tried to catch Professor H’s eye. He looked at his plate and pushed his food around. I was getting uneasy. When he’d proposed to fuck Jody and Alice, he’d made it sound like he’d have Mrs H’s full blessing, but I wasn’t so sure anymore. He seemed almost embarrassed by the conversation, which I doubted he’d be if he’d told Mrs H everything.

We ate in silence for a while. When dinner was done, Mrs H offered to clear the table and get dessert, leaving the professor and I alone.

I seized my chance immediately. “Have you not told her?”

He raised his eyebrows, but I was in no mood to play games. “You said she’d give you her blessing, so why are you looking all embarrassed? Doesn’t she know?”

“I haven’t had a chance yes,” he whispered back.

I rolled my eyes so hard they were in danger of falling out of my head. “You managed to tell her I had a good time with my friends, though. I don’t want to keep secrets from her, so you better tell her, or I will.”

I glared at him. Putting his hand on my knee, he gave it a squeeze. “Don’t worry, of course I’ll tell her. I don’t want to keep secrets from her either. She’ll love the story and I want to do it justice, not tell her hurriedly when she’s trying to make dinner.”

That made me feel better. I could imagine Professor H telling her every sordid little detail. If he was right about her, she’d be getting horny hearing all about it, which would have been bad timing if she was in the middle of dinner.

Mrs H joined us with bowl of fruit. We were being super healthy today, but I wasn’t complaining. Spending most of my time either naked or in such a small bikini, I might as well be. I didn’t want to have to worry about my weight.

Mrs H stretched. “What shall we do tonight?” She winked at me and I felt myself grow hot. I knew exactly what she had in mind.

Professor H answered before I could. “Why don’t we all relax together? Maybe Zoe can tell you all about her day.”

Her eyes shone. “That’s a great idea. But it’s too hot to be outside. Shall we go upstairs?”

“Sounds good.” I got up and gathered the bowls. “I’ll clear the dishes and meet you upstairs.”

I hoped that Professor H would get the hint and tell her everything while I was doing the dishes. I didn’t want to be the one telling that particular story.

As I put the dishes in the dishwasher, I wondered how Mrs H would feel about her husband having fucked three women today. It was one thing to participate in a sex party or have sex with me, but would my friends have been off-limits? I really hoped not. I hoped Professor H was right and Mrs H was right now listening to him intently, getting aroused by his story of his exploits today. I hoped she was making plans to join in next time, teaching my friends a thing or two.

Just the thought of Mrs H joining us made me wet, and I hurriedly finished the dishes. Reaching the Henderson’s bedroom, I heard low voices. Mrs H didn’t sound upset, but neither did she sound intrigued. I worried Professor H hadn’t told her anything yet, a suspicion that was confirmed when I pushed the door open and they were sitting side by side on the bed, still fully-clothed.

When she saw me, Mrs H reached out her hand. “Zoe, come here. I want to hear all about your day with your friends.”

I glared at Professor H. “Maybe Professor H can tell you about it.”

She grinned. “I’m sure he could, but I’d rather hear it from you.”

It was then that I knew Mrs H had suspected all along what had happened. I should have known, she was intuitive and knew her husband very well. And, so it seemed, she knew me well too.

“Let me get you out of this dress,” Mrs H said, getting up. She grabbed the hem of my dress and pulled it over my head. As she dropped the garment on the ground, she bent her head and licked my nipples. I gasped with delight as she lightly bit them.

Taking my hand, she led me to the bed. “Come here, I want you to see yourself in the mirror.”

I remembered how she’d said she’d let Professor H fuck me in front of the mirror so I could see myself come. A shiver of excitement ran through me as I took place on the bed. Mrs H pulled her standing mirror towards the bed and took place behind me.

“Now open your legs so you can see your beautiful cunt.”

I did as she asked, spreading my legs wide. She placed her hands on either side of my thighs and used her thumbs to spread open my labia. I gasped as the pinkness of my pussy was revealed.

Apart from when Margot had taken pictures of the glass dildo in my pussy, I had never really looked at myself like this. I loved gazing at Mrs H’s pussy, but I had to admit that mine wasn’t bad to look at either. The pictures Margot had taken of the glass dildo stretching my pussy were still on my phone. I’d masturbated at the sight of them more times than I could count, but now, watching myself in the mirror, my legs spread, my nipples hard and my cheeks flushed, I found myself getting wet.

“Look,” Mrs H whispered in my ear, her breath hot on my neck. “You are so fucking beautiful.”

My breath hitched. She was right, I did look stunning. I’d never seen myself this aroused.

Mrs H started stroking my legs, her fingers barely brushing my pussy lips. “Now tell me about your day.”

Professor H stood next to the bed, his hand lazily fondling his cock. He watched me with a half-smile, as if he was just waiting to fuck me.

My voice shook as I started talking. “Jody, Alice and I had a lovely swim and a great chat. It was nice to have them over.”

“What did you do after your swim?” She brushed my pussy lips, her thumb gliding over my clit.

“We went to my room. Alice took a shower and Jody and I started talking.”

Mrs H’s voice was low with lust. “Did you just talk?”

I shook my head. “We did…other things too.” Why was it so hard to tell her this? She was clearly aroused by it, but I felt reluctant to admit I had fucked Jody and Alice.

“What did Jody think of that?”

My body sang with the need to be touched, but Mrs H continued to barely stroke my pussy. I tried not to moan. “Alice and I gave her an orgasm. She really loved that.”

Mrs H chuckled. “I bet she did. You’re amazing at making me come, so I’m sure Jody felt the same.”

She started kissing my neck below my ear. My breath came in gasps. Professor H’s cock was thick and hard in his hand. My pussy ached with the need to be filled, but I had a feeling neither of them would fuck me until I had told the story.

“And then what happened?”

My head swam. I could hardly think. “When Alice and I had made Jody come, I went downstairs to get a drink. And that’s when Professor H fucked me.”

Her face was flush with her arousal. “Did he make you come?”

I nodded, the memory making me even wetter.

She pushed my legs further apart. “Look at how wet you are, my little slut. Look how engorged your pussy is and I’ve barely even touched you.”

I looked. My pussy lips were red and puffy, the folds glistening with my juices. She spread my lips apart and I could see my juices seep out of my aching entrance. It was amazing, and hot, and vulgar all at once. I wanted to photograph myself like this: flushed and aroused and aching to be taken.

“What did Professor H do after that?” Her voice was barely louder than a whisper. I could feel her nipples against my back. They were hard peaks.

My eyes flashed to him. His eyes were hooded with lust, his hand stroking his cock as he looked at my pussy. He seemed oblivious to my dilemma.

I took a deep breath and looked at Mrs H in the mirror. “He came upstairs with me and fucked me and my friends.”

She gasped, but not with shock. Her cheeks were red and she licked her lips. “He fucked all three of you?”

Her fingers were still holding me open. I looked like I belonged in a porn video, horny and ready to be taken. I didn’t want to talk anymore, I wanted to be fucked. The ache between my legs was becoming intense.

“He took us in turn. My friends loved him and would love to be fucked by him again.”

Her eyes widened and she bit her lip. “Is that so?”

I arched my back. “I want to watch myself be fucked by the professor. Please? I’ve told the whole story…”

“Yes, you’ve been very good.” She slid her hands over my sides and cupped my breasts. “Do you want to watch yourself be fucked?”

I hissed in a breath. “Please…”

She smiled a wicked smile. “Before I let Jack fuck you, I think I have something that might get you in the mood.”

If I wasn’t so desperate, I would have laughed. Get me in the mood? I couldn’t have been more in the mood if I tried.

She rummaged in the nightstand and when she straightened up, she held something big in her hands. When she held it up for me, my eyes widened.

“I thought you might recognise this.”

She licked the shaft of the large glass dildo that Margot had fucked me with that first time. I wondered if she’d seen the pictures of me on my phone.

Professor H groaned. “Oh fuck, Grace, are you going to put that in her?”

Mrs H winked at him. “I just want to see what it looks like.” She looked straight at me in the mirror. “In real life.”

Shit. She had seen the pictures. I was so needy to be filled, I didn’t care, though. I just wanted her to push that massive glass cock inside me.

Mrs H sat behind me again and reached around me with the dildo. I watched in fascination as she positioned the dildo at my entrance. Staying still, I waited for her to make the first move. I was desperate, but I didn’t want her to know just how much.

Slowly, as if she was torturing me, she pushed the glass inside me. It was cold and felt fantastic. More than that: it looked fantastic seeing that massive cock disappear inside of me. When it was all the way in, she lifted her hand out of the way, so I could see myself like this: stretched, filled and flushed with need.

Mrs H fondled my breasts, flicking my nipples until I arched my back against her.

“Do you need to be fucked, my little slutty pet?” she asked.


She looked up at her husband, who seemed to be in a trance. “Honey, can you fuck Zoe?”

The way she asked it, as if she was asking him to pass me a dish at the table, was so hot. He blinked and focused on her. When she repeated the question, his face lit up.

“Baby, get on all fours on the bed,” Mrs H instructed me. “Jack can fuck you from behind and you can watch yourself come. It’s so hot.”

She reached around and pulled the glass dildo from my sopping pussy. I whimpered, but she moved me into position on all fours. As Professor H knelt behind me, Mrs H spread her legs and rubbed the glass dildo all over her pussy.

Professor H didn’t waste any time. Grabbing my hips, he pulled me towards him, sinking his cock deep inside me at the same time. I moaned with relief, and remembered to look at myself in the mirror as he started fucking me.

I looked amazing. My hair was a dark curtain around my face, which was flushed from arousal. My breasts swung back and forth with each thrust. I wished the angle was better so I could see his cock disappear inside me, but it was hot enough seeing his face dark with lust as he plowed into me. It was like watching a porn video with me in the starring role. Mrs H was pumping the dildo into her pussy at the same speed at which her husband was fucking me. Her eyes were glued on us in the mirror. I suddenly felt a rush of emotions for her – for both of them – for including me in their incredible life. I would have never had the courage to watch myself get fucked, but the moment couldn’t have been hotter.

I flipped my hair to one side so I could really see my face well. My lips were parted, my eyes hooded with lust. Two red spot coloured my cheeks and my expression was somewhere between pain and pleasure. I looked sexier than I had ever had in my life.

Call me narcissistic, but seeing myself like this made me even more aroused. Professor H massaged my ass, his fingers creeping closer and closer to my crack. At the next thrust, he pushed a finger inside my anus. I gasped as he fucked both my holes now, causing pleasure to shoot through my whole core. My eyes widened as my orgasm came barrelling towards me, unstoppable. As I came, shuddering on his finger and cock, I forced myself to keep watching the mirror. I looked glorious as my face registered the impact of my orgasm.

Collapsing on the bed, I gasped for air, but the professor wasn’t done yet. He kept fucking me; long, hard strokes, completely caught up in his own pleasure. I switched my focus to Mrs H, whose pussy was close enough for me to touch. Without thinking, I reached out and slid my fingers over her clit as she continued to move the thick dildo in and out of her pussy. Moaning, she thrashed on the bed, het body slippery under my fingers, making it hard for me to keep rubbing her. My pussy clamped around the professor’s cock as another orgasm tore through me.

Mrs H’s eyes snapped open and she uttered a low moan. Arching her back so her pussy pressed against my hand, she came hard. Pushing my hand away, she clamped her legs shut.

Professor H pulled out of me, his cock still rock hard. He grabbed the back of my head and pushed my face towards his cock. Greedily, I opened my mouth and started sucking. The taste of my own juices coated my mouth and I salivated. Still breathing hard, Mrs H joined me, and together we licked along the long shaft of Professor H’s cock. Mrs H reached between his legs and cupped his balls, fondling them as she helped me suck and lick his thick cock. His hands rested on the backs of our heads, but he let us do our own thing without him guiding us.

Mrs H’s tongue collided with mine, and she abandoned her husband’s cock. Caressing my cheek, she kissed me deeply. Her tongue invaded my mouth, seeking out my heat. I moaned as her lips trailed kisses over my neck and breasts, sucking my nipples in turn.

Professor H grabbed our hair and pulled us apart. I grinned as he pushed us towards his throbbing cock again. Mrs H winked at me as she resumed sucking and licking her husband, occasionally making way for me. 
It was fun hearing him moan and pant as we laved our attention on him. I was just wondering how much he’d be able to hold on when he pulled away from us just as a spurt of cum hit my face. I squealed and then another spurt hit Mrs H’s face. Laughing, we tried to catch as much in our mouth as we could until, finally, Professor H was spent.

As he collapsed onto the bed, Mrs H grabbed the glass dildo from the bed. “Turn around, my little pet.”

I wasn’t sure if I could handle any more pleasure. “My pussy is sore.” It was a white lie, but it did feel tender and the dildo was so big.

“I’m not going to need your pussy.”

Catching her drift, I blanched. “That dildo is too big!”

She held it up with a frown. “It isn’t much bigger than Jack’s cock and you had no problem taking that. You need more training before the next party.”

Hearing that there was going to be another party soon, I became excited. “Will you be careful?”

She smiled. “Of course I will.”

Pulling me towards her, she positioned me so Professor H had a good view of what she was doing to me. She smeared a generous amount of lube on my puckered hole and pushed the dildo against it.

I tried to remember what I had done to accommodate the professor’s cock. Taking a deep breath, I tried to relax, but the dildo felt way too big.

“Here, let me help you.” Professor H slid his hand between my legs and started rubbing my clit.

Sighing with pleasure, I immediately felt myself relax. Mrs H took advantage of that moment and pushed the dildo inside me.

The tight ring of my anus burned as it stretched to take the big glass cock in. Mrs H started slow, with measure strokes until my breathing became deeper and my moans more intense.

I felt so stretched, it was amazing. The idea of that massive cock in my darkest, more secret place, was very arousing. I imagined getting fucked there at the party and a shiver ran through me. Professor H flicked my clit, sliding the tips of his fingers over the pert button, as Mrs H worked my ass with the dildo.

I’d forgotten how intense it was to be fucked in the ass. It was unlike anything I’d ever felt and I still wasn’t sure whether I loved it or whether the newness of it all was what aroused me. Professor H’s fingers made me feel wonderful, almost as if I was on drugs. Pleasure built in me, waves of hot lava, that filled my veins and set my ass and pussy on fire. I was’t sure what was up or down anymore, all my being was concentrated on my core. My limbs felt heavy and everything seemed to be on fire in the best possible way.

“There you go, baby,” Mrs H whispered. “Take that big cock in your ass. You look so amazing.”

The two of them fucked me – slowly and gently – while whispering encouragements in my ear. I felt taken care of – loved even. As they pushed my boundaries, fucking me harder and pushing me closer to the edge, I felt so full of emotions, I almost cried.

“Come for us, baby,” Professor H said, and he slipped a finger in my tight pussy. As he worked my G-spot, my pussy started convulsing around his finger. I moaned and writhed on the bed as the pleasure became too much, everything so intense and beautiful I couldn’t take it anymore. As I started crying, Mrs H pulled the dildo out of my ass and cradled me in her lap. I felt embarrassed by my display of emotion and buried my head in her lap as she stroked my hair.

“It’s okay, baby, let it all out. There you go.”

Professor H wrapped his arms around both of us and I felt so safe. My sobs abated and Mrs H tucked me in bed.

Kissing my forehead, she whispered, “You need a good rest, so sleep here tonight. We’ll be right back.”

She held her hand out to Professor H and led him out of the room. My head felt fuzzy and as I snuggled deeper into the covers, I could hear the Hendersons downstairs. I smiled as I heard the tell-tale sounds of Professor H fucking his wife. Happy that they didn’t let me stop their fun, I closed my eyes and drifted off to sleep.

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