I can’t believe it is the end of January already. Time really does fly when you are having fun. And January has been a lot of fun. I feel I have really accomplished a lot this month. Let me do a quick round up.
On the writing front I finished editing my NaNoWriMo novel and I have sent it out to my alpha readers. They are really only my family members, but they can be brutally honest, so I know I will get some good feedback.
I have also written two short stories (flash fiction) which I sent in for competitions. One went to Mslexia during the Max Monday event, which I did not win. I didn’t really expect to, I had no inspiration that day and had to come up with something in an hour. The other went to the Bath Flash Ficiton Award and I won’t hear about that one for a while. I am not holding out hopes of winning, but entering competitions is a good way to get my butt in gear and write more.
I have posted regularly on the blog, at least 3 posts a week, sometimes more. I have some regular features like book reviews and flash fiction Friday, which I feel keeps me accountable as I hate to fall behind on those features. I don’t have a lot of followers, so I have to keep reminding myself that I write the blog for me not for my potential readers. I tried the opposite with another blog I kept and it ended up dead because I lost interest. So I will just plod away at my blog and hope the lack of followers doesn’t discourage me.
On the personal front I have grown a lot this month. I had decided to finally let my slutty self come out and play and it has been a revelation. I have found some like minded peope on the internet to share my journey with and Mr Isa has reaped the benefts from his wife being horny all the time. It has been a real eye-opener how often – and how easy – I can be aroused right now and I hope to continue this trend.
Looking forward
I have two deadlines for short stories coming up in February, so this week will be busy with writing those short stories. I will then allow myself two weeks to write a detailed outline for my next novel, which is due to readers at the end of June, so I have to really get my act together.