My pussy is perfect just the way it is, thank you. It is (mostly) self lubricating. It cleans itself. It is capable of giving me – and my hubby – a lot of pleasure. It has helped me give birth to two children. Oh wait, no, it didn’t, they didn’t fit through my pelvis, but that was hardly my pussy’s fault.
My pussy is perfect
My pussy doesn’t need any glitter to make it look better. It doesn’t need any sprays to make it smell better. It doesn’t need any lightening as it’s the perfect colour. I also don’t need to start chopping bits off, because my pussy lips are perfect just the way they are. My clitoris is the right size and in the right position.
And guess what? So is yours. Your pussy is just as amazing. Don’t believe it when people try to tell you that you need to change it so it can appeal to other people, or so it can be healthier. Your body is perfectly capable of taking care of itself and your vagina is the most amazing at that of all. People who tell you otherwise are just out to make money on your insecurities.
My body, my rules
If you don’t like the way my pussy looks, feel free to stay away. Hubby loves me just the way I am, but if he didn’t, he’d be sh*t out of luck. He gets to play with me and that should be enough for him. If I wasn’t married, I’d have the same attitude. Men – and women – who are lucky enough to see our pussies up close should count themselves lucky that we allow them that privilege. If they start complaining about how to looks – or smells – then you should politely (or impolitely if you are like me) show them the door.
In short, all pussies are awesome and beautiful and don’t let anyone tell you otherwise.
This post is part of the Summer 100 Sex Blogger Challenge. Check out posts by some other participants to the challenge:
Rose talks about ejaculating during pregnancy at her blog, Oh Gush.
Stephanie asks whether you had a hoe phase over at her blog, Meet Mrs Mayweather.