Meet the Summer 100 Sex Blogger Challenge participants

Summer 100 Blog Challenge

It’s finally here! The Summer 100 Sex Bloggers Challenge has started. Throughout the summer participants of the Summer 100 Sex Bloggers Challenge will grow their blog by creating good content, linking to other bloggers and promoting each other’s work on social media platforms.

So, who are all these bloggers who have committed themselves to an intense summer of blogging? Most of the bios below are taken from the bloggers’ own About Me Page. If you want to get to know them better, please check out their blogs. Over the next three months, they will also feature on my site in one way or another.

Your hosts

Victoria started Pretty Pink Lotus Bud out of a need to talk openly about her sexuality. She organised the Summer 100 Sex Blogger’s Blog Challenge last year, where I met her, and she also started the #WomensOrgasmsMatter campaign.

I, Isabelle, started this blog in October 2016 after an increase in my libido following surgery for some health issues I had. I didn’t have anyone in my life to talk about sex, so I needed a place to express my thoughts.

Besides being hosts, Victoria and I will also participate in the challenge. I just hope I can keep up the pace!

The Participants

Ayaana Imani runs her Instagram A Beautiful Flower with Faith which focuses on the following:

Self-Love & Sensuality Intimacy & Pleasures Bellies & Birthing Hot Yoga & Fitness Self-Care & Spirituality Arts & Music Books & Teas Nature & Magick.

Cindy Lee Alves runs a blog on her website where she also offers services as a sex coach. Her qualifications are impressive, here is part of her About page:

Her current research focuses on the intersection of race and sexuality, with particular interests in racial justice and professional development.

Carly from Dildo or DilDon’t. Carly has been featured in a few of my #SoSS posts, so some of you may already be familiar with her.

Carly has been a sex educator and pleasure pioneer since 2010. Her career started with the world renown Pleasure Chest. She managed and help launch NYC’s largest Adult retailer in the Bronx where she also started a free workshop program. She hopes to travel and spread orgasms wherever she goes.

E.T. Costello writes lots of (good) filth and posts beautiful erotic art. His website is classy and arousing.

These pages are where I explore and recount my own enthusiasms, and present some of the art – poetry and drawings, paintings and prose that they inspire me to. It began as confessional, but has morphed into sweet reminiscence and earthy prose, fiction, truth and poetry.

Fairy Cake’s Land is a sex positive lifestyle blog.

Fairy Cake (FC sometimes) is a trained sexual educator, who uses harm reeducation in all of her classes. She decided to start doing more adult sexual health and toy reviews because she felt as much as she loves teaching kids, she felt being a source of information for adults would be a little more helpful.

Lizxnn from Idols of Sheela is another witch, but also an artist and sex educator. Her About Me page says the following:

Bodies are weird and fascinating, which led me down a 15 year path of becoming a first-aid instructor, a certified yoga teacher, and an adult sex-ed teacher, all of which have informed my life experiment of how to play with other humans and explore the needs and desires that come along with existence.

Krystle in Bed is a wonderful, sex positive blog run by Krystle.

Krystle is a sex educator and welcomes everyone into her bed space. She believes there is so much to explore and nobody should be ashamed of their sexual desires, fantasies, or ideas.

Leila Loren writes honest reviews of sex toys. They are a fairly new blogger and their Q&A section is an interesting read. Leila Loren explains how they got into blogging:

A few months ago, I was looking for a new sex toy and I stumbled upon my first sex blogger (Erika Lynae) on YouTube. I felt like I was so behind the power curve. I had no idea that there were people who reviewed sex toys, and other things related to sex. I was intrigued, and I thought hhmmmm I think I can do that.

Life Erotique is run by a couple who have teamed up to create a website for sex positive people wanting to take the step into non-monogamy.

We hope that the information that you’ll find here — gained over our last decade plus of experience in non-monogamy — will help guide you safely on the path to exploring this new dimension of your relationship with your partners.

Lupespace is a great blog with health, beauty and sex tips. There are reviews, there is advice, some poetry and lots of beautiful pictures. Well worth a look!

Megan Ashley is a great person with a traumatic background, which she is quite open about and which you can read on her blog. She joined us in the Summer 100 Challenge last year as well.

I started this blog to combine the two. Sex + Trauma + my constant need for processing things. Here, you will find my mental health diaries, my musings on relationships and emotions, and how I self-care through it all.

Miss Scarlet started her sex blog in 2015 and particpates in memes, reviews sex toys and muses about sex.

I am now in a relationship with a wonderful man  and sex is in abundance. I love to share details of our erotic adventures together,  which include threesomes and visiting swingers’ clubs.  I also take great delight in participating in the Scavenger Hunt meme!

Mrs Sexy also participates in the Summer 100 Blog Challenge last year. She has written a number of books about her hot wife lifestyle and blogs about this too.

A Hotwife is permitted to have sex outside of marriage as long as the husband is fully told of all details and often involved in their threesomes. After 25 years of dedication to one another, a 42 year old fun, sexy couple embark on sexual experimentation involving strippers, three ways, and lovers on the side.

My Messy Room is a blog full of reviews, but not focused solely on sex toys reviews. There are also recipe and book reviews, among other things.

My Messy Room is a compilation of reviews and other content that allows me to share my opinions whether good or bad to help the readers make educated purchases as well. I strive to constantly keep learning so hope we can learn from each other.

Pleasure Connoisseurs is a blog about – you guessed it — pleasure! It provides information about sex education, self love and sex positivity.

Risque Views is a blog from Down Under with many good reviews of various sex toys.

This is a place where almost anything goes. I share my views here on adult topics. I also review adults products and services like sex toys and websites that I’ve tried.

Sex Matters is a blog maintained by May who writes openly and honestly about her sexual experiences.

I feel that nobody has the right to disapprove of any sexual activities I may undertake which are not harming anyone else. Indeed I sense actually aid in my well-being, health and general positive outlook on life. I feel sexy and I am happy!

Kristin Hambridge joined us last year as well for the Summer 100 challenge. She is a licensed sex therapist, but also maintains a blog.

One of my biggest passions is sexual health, specifically helping individuals and couples uncover and understand any issues around sex and sexuality that may be holding them back.

Super Smash Cache is a new to me blogger, so let’s just look at the About Me blurb:

The Super Smash Cache sex blog is my place to share my sex toy obsession. Here, I tell what I wish I’d known about sexuality sooner, and how sex toys have enhanced my life. It’s a key part of who I am, so even if I didn’t have this blog, I’d still be having sex-positive conversations in real life.

The Story of A is another return participant. The Story of A covers a lot of aspects related to sex, including relationships and kink. It is written by a number of writers.

The”O” Box Blog is written by a couple. It contains personal stories relating to sex, as well as helpful advice and information.

Taking our sex drive to the new level we decided to embark on an adventure of sex toy experiments and how far we can push our limits or in better words open our O Box and achieve new levels of orgasms. So please join us on this adventure and I hope we can give you useful and helpful information on your own adventures into pure sextasy.

Viva la Sexy Blog is also written by a couple. Although the focus is mainly on sex toy review, they strive to provide sex positive information.

Our goal here is to educate and inform others about issues related to sexuality and sexual health from a sex-positive, feminist perspective.

Meg from Witch of the Wands joined the Summer 100 Sex Blogger Challenge in 2017, so long time readers of this blog should be familiar with her. She had the blog Fox in the Flowers back then. Part of Meg’s About Me page states the following:

My blog is my journey as I start to explore and learn as I dive headfirst into all of this. I am not sure what path it will go, but that is part of the fun isn’t it?

Your Heavenly Body contains essays and advice about sex, as well as reviews of sex toys. Aria’s goal is to share her experiences in order to educate other women on sex and potential issues we all struggle with.

I created Your Heavenly Body because there are still too many soci0-political forces out to convince us that the body is an unholy place. […] I want to share my stories so that you might reflect on the significance of your own.


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